Historical Perspectives in the Novels of Hilary Mantel





Hilary Mantel, Historical Fiction, Historical Perspectives, Narrative Depth, Thematic Exploration, Thomas Cromwell


This research paper explores the thematic significance of historical perspectives in the novels of Hilary Mantel. Through an analysis of Mantel’s works, particularly her acclaimed historical fiction such as the Thomas Cromwell trilogy, this paper explores how Mantel utilizes historical perspectives to enrich character development, narrative depth, and thematic exploration. Drawing upon insights from literary criticism and historical analysis, this paper examines the ways in which Mantel navigates the complexities of history, memory, and interpretation to offer nuanced portrayals of individuals and societies. Moreover, it investigates the implications of Mantel’s engagement with historical perspectives for broader discussions of identity, power, and human agency. Through a comprehensive examination of Mantel’s literary oeuvre, this paper aims to illuminate the multifaceted ways in which historical perspectives inform and shape her narrative vision.


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DOI: 10.53724/inspiration/v7n4.02
Published: 30-09-2022

How to Cite

Dr. Kumud. (2022). Historical Perspectives in the Novels of Hilary Mantel. Research Inspiration, 7(IV), 01–06. https://doi.org/10.53724/inspiration/v7n4.02


