Submission Guidlines
1. Open Access
2. Article processing charge (APC)
3. Publication Policies
3.1: Aims and scope
3.1.1. Aims and scope:
3.1.2. Areas of discussion
3.2: Types of contents we publish
4. Editorial Policies
4.1 Peer Review
4.1.2 Review period
4.2 Declarations by Author/s:
5. Publication Policy
5.1 Publication Ethics
5.2 Authorship
5.2.1 Appropriate attribution and acknowledgement
5.2.2 Changes in authorship
5.2.3 Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authorship
5.3 Publication Process
5.3.1 Submission
5.3.2 Steps against Misconduct
5.4 Conflict of Interest
5.4.1 Authors
5.4.2 Editors and reviewers
6. Submission Process
6.1 Formatting
6.2 Submission of the Files
6.3 Word Limits
6.4 Final Formatting
7. Post-acceptance Process
1. Open Access
Research Ambition:- An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, ISSN: 2456-0146 Published by Welfare Universe, is Opened Access, Indexed & Peer Reviewed e-Journal which is having the widest area of publishing research of all subjects at the International level. The journal is having a declared quarterly frequency of publication in each year i.e. FEBRUARY, MAY, AUGUST, NOVEMBER. The journal is published regularly and in time in accordance with its the declared frequency. This journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of new and existing literature of research work written in English.
The journal continues to support and spread awareness about OA in India and abroad. We have firm conviction in Open Access philosophy and strongly support Open Access Initiatives. Research Ambition:- An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, has followed open Access In conformity with this, the content of publications is primarily guided by the open nature of knowledge, and the journal is free to access from any corner of the world.
The journal allows readers to freely read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full text of its articles and to use them for any other lawful purpose. The articles and book reviews and other published items are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
2. Article processing charge (APC)
- Free Publication: We do not ask for any fee from authors who do not have institutional funding. They can publish for free. This applies to all the authors from any country in the world.
- Institutional Funding Fee: Research Ambition:- An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, accepts only institutional funding for promotion and maintenance of the journal and its resources (See APC calculation) Institutional funding fee is charged after completion of the peer review process and acceptance of the article. Authors with institutional affiliation should declare funding opportunities and commitments at the time of submission and contact the publisher after the acceptance of the article at for processing disbursements.
- Institutional Funding Amount: 100 USD
3. Publication Policies
3.1: Aims and scope
Authors are requested to read the Aims and Objectives carefully.
3.1.1. Aims and scope:
Research Inspiration An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh, India ISSN: 2455-443X is Open Access, Indexed & Peer Reviewed e-Journal which is having the widest area of publishing research of all subjects at the International level. The journal is having a declared quarterly frequency of publication in each year i.e. FEBRUARY, MAY, AUGUST, NOVEMBER. The journal is published regularly and in time in accordance with its the declared frequency. This journal is exclusively dedicated to the scholarly studies of new and existing literature of research work written in English and Hindi. The Journal welcomes original piece of own research work and un-published research papers/articles. The Manuscripts are considered for publishing in  the journal as Articles, Research Papers, Case studies, Book Reviews, Literary short stories, Literary stories, Poems theoretical or conceptual, original, cross-functional, Doctrinal Non- Doctrinal, Empirical Research, Socio-Legal Research, applied research papers, Legal Research, technical notes, and etc which also include critically analysis for all aspect of literature book reviews, translated work from the faculty members, graduates, independent researchers and authors from worldwide.
- We publish peer-reviewed original research papers and reviews in the interdisciplinary fields of humanities. A list, which is not exclusive, is given below for convenience. See Areas of discussion.
- We have firm conviction in Open Access philosophy and strongly support Open Access Initiatives. Rupkatha has signed on to the Budapest Open Access Initiative. In conformity with this, the principles of publications are primarily guided by the open nature of knowledge.
3.1.2. Areas of discussion
- Social Science
Political Science
Law, Human rights, Constitutional Law & Criminal Law
Social Review
Art, art historian , Multidisciplinary Approaches to Literature and Arts
Gender Studies: critical discussion, case study, survey
- Management
Corporate Governance
Human Resource Management
Marketing Management
Quality Training and development
- Engineering
Clinical Research
- Biology
Clinical Biology,
Molecular Biology,
Environment and Ecology,
Food Science, Nutrition,
Plant Science, Entomology, Zoology, Fisheries
- Physical Education
3.2: Types of contents we publish
We publish original research papers, review articles and book reviews. Sometimes we publish innovative creative works.
4. Editorial Policies
4.1 Peer Review
- The journal follows Double Blind Peer Review system.
- Primarily the submitted articles are considered by the editors for the confirmation of the standard and the scope of the journal. If any submitted article fails to fulfill primary standard, the same will be rejected and the author will be communicated the decision promptly.
- If the editors are satisfied, two reviewers are selected for detailed consideration of the articles.
- The rule also applies to the members of the Editorial board.
- Receipt of works is acknowledged instantly and automatically via the system. If you do not get any reply, resend the mail.
4.1.2 Review period
We do NOT have any system for fast or rapid review nor do we encourage it. Decision on a submitted article along with reviewers’ comments is communicated to the author within 90 days. Authors should not send any query before the period is over. However, after three months of submission, if no decision is taken, authors can naturally withdraw and submit elsewhere.
4.2 Declarations by Author/s:
Author/s will have to sign “Copy Right Agreement Form” and send us scanned copies of the same after acceptance of article concerning:
- Acceptance of the Terms and Conditions
- Copyright
- Authenticity of the research work
- Claim of authorship
- Plagiarism
- Conflicts of Interests.
5. Publication Policy
5.1 Publication Ethics
We are committed to upholding publication ethics through every possible manner. We try to adhere to the norms and guidelines formulated by various scholarly societies to achieve international standards by maintaining quality in publication and by updating our publication system. We expect and encourage all the concerned parties associated with the journal to follow the norms as mentioned in our website.
5.2 Authorship
All published materials—articles, book reviews, poems or art pieces, must contain appropriate attribution of authorship. Since we follow the online medium, it is the sole responsibility of the corresponding author—who initiates the submission process online, to ensure the integrity of publication ethics by complying with the following:
5.2.1 Appropriate attribution and acknowledgement
The corresponding author should ensure
- That the submitted manuscript is genuine research work produced by the author/s,
- That all the other authors are made aware of the submission,
- That permission is taken from other authors for publication,
- That the contribution of the authors is appropriately acknowledged,
- That the contribution of other persons or parties, who/which add value to the work in any way is sufficiently acknowledged,
- That the Conflicts of Interests document is signed properly and sent to us in time.
5.2.2 Changes in authorship
Authors can send a request for changes to authorship to the Chief Editor. The Editorial Board of the journal reserves the right to take final decision on the request. Changes will be made only if there is valid reason and full agreement among the authors. Public notification may be made in the case of any post-publication change.
5.2.3 Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authorship
We condemn the unethical practice of ‘Ghost,’ ‘guest,’ or ‘gift’ authorship (or anything that does not have any proper contribution to an article) and take appropriate steps against such practices.
5.3 Publication Process
We insist that all concerned with the publication of the journal—editors, reviewers and website managers, must strictly follow international norms. We are constantly trying to raise the standards of our publications. We expect the same kind of commitment from authors to conform to the international ethical norms as formulated by various scholarly organizations.
5.3.1 Submission
While submitting with our journals and magazines authors should strictly follow our guidelines. We reserve the right to take action against any of the practices mentioned below:
- Simultaneous Submission to Other Publication Agency:
We accept manuscripts on the belief that the same has not been submitted or will be submitted with other journals while the review process is going on. Concrete action is taken against the authors who make simultaneous submission during the period of peer review.
- Plagiarism
Plagiarism is a curse upon the scholarly world. Authors submitting with us are expected to have proper understanding about the plagiarism issues. Nothing should be copied in any form without proper acknowledgement or legal permission in any way that may violate other person/party’s rights. While they should include acknowledgement to other’s works, they should also take permission for using any material from the concerned parties themselves. The journal will not initiate any process nor will remain responsible for any kind of copyright violation.
- Defamation or Promotion
We do not expect authors to include anything that may turn out to be defamatory or promotional.
5.3.2 Steps against Misconduct
We may take any one or all of the following steps against unethical practices:
- The published content is retracted via notification.
- A modified content is published with justification for modification.
- The author is blacklisted and barred from future submissions.
- Notification along with the evidence of misconduct is communicated to an author’s institution, superior, and/or any concerned authority.
5.4 Conflict of Interest
In order to maintain transparency in publication, we encourage all—authors, editors, reviewers and other person/parties involved in the publication process, to avoid any form of conflicts of interest. Our publication policies and guidelines are regularly revised to address the issues.
5.4.1 Authors
Authors with our journals and magazines need to be careful of any kind of conflict of interest—be it financial, promotional or honorary. The corresponding author is responsible for sending us the Conflict of Interest document agreed to and signed by other authors.
5.4.2 Editors and reviewers
Editors and reviewers of our journals and magazines are encouraged to avoid any form of potential conflict of interest while performing their duties in concerned capacities in order to maintain the integrity of our publication ethics and raise the standard of the journal. They are requested to follow the guidelines sent to them in the form of email communication. All forms of internal conflicts of interest are handled by the Chief Editor, who maintains privacy and takes appropriate measures.
The professional independence of the editorial board members is strictly maintained by the publisher. The board enjoys full autonomy in performing their scholarly duties. The publisher does not interfere with anything regarding this.
6. Submission Process
Authors should read the terms conditions stated at the website: and submit articles via email at
6.1 Formatting
- File Types: We process the following doc (text) files: Ms Word 2003—2007, Open Office Documents.Normally we do not accept images or any graphic contents separately.
Formatting: Authors will have to prepare the final Manuscript in accordance with the followings:-(i)-All manuscripts either must be in Language : English
(ii)-FONT : Times New Roman
(iii)-Size : 12
(iv)-Line Spacing : 1.5 LINE SPACING
(v)-Line Spacing : Double Spaced and submitted only as MS Word 2003-2007
(vii)-Covering letter must contain Title of the research paper, Author Names, Designation, Official Address, E-mail address & Abstract of content.
Reference Style: Authors must follow the APA style (
Visual Images: We encourage authors to incorporate visual images like diagrams, maps and pictures in their writings in innovative ways so that the reader gets some sort of multimedia experience. All kinds of visual images should be treated as ‘Figures’, and if possible, authors are requested to present the figures in hyperlinked state. Authors should note that they should get the permission from the concerned person or authority for reproducing the visual images before submission. We will not remain responsible for any kind of copyright violation on the part of the authors.
Language: The journal is published in the English language and we accept both UK and US spellings.
6.2 Submission of the Files
Authors need to submit and upload two doc files
- Cover letter (Download the template)
- Blinded manuscript. (Download the template)
- Copyright Agreement Forms (Download the template)
What should author do for best Practices:
- Sign up with and send your ORCID Id to us.
- Use institutional email id if possible and complete affiliation of their Institution
- Include a link to your profile on your institutional website if available.
- Use DOI records whereas possible for cite
6.3 Word Limits
Research articles: 3000-5000 words including the Reference section. Articles beyond 5000 words will also be considered.
6.4 Final Formatting
Author is required to download a fresh and recently Updated Version of the “Final Submission Template” and format the submission in according to that.
7. Post-acceptance Process
- Author is required to complete with due diligence the Journals Contributor or “Copyright Agreement Form” after the Acceptance of the Paper/Manuscript.