Origin of Policing Globally: An Analytical Study
Through this research paper, the researcher has studied the establishment and functioning of police at the global level, Policing, the introduction of policing, the establishment of police at a global level, the functioning of policeAbstract
For the smooth running of society, it is necessary to establish a body to control crimes. Which controls criminal activities in society according to the law. It is believed that the police organization started in India, and we have given the education of police organization to the whole world. Dr. Paripoornananda Verma has described the exact origin and organization of the word "Police" in the world first in ancient India. In Babylonia, during the Old Babylonian civilization, law enforcement tasks were assigned to persons of military background or royal magnets. But eventually, law enforcement officials were known as 'succeeds', who were present in both urban and rural settlements. A 'Pokcudus' was entrusted with the responsibility of investigating and arresting crimes. Evidence of law enforcement in ancient Egypt dates back to the Old Kingdom period. According to Mishra's old official documents, during the fourth dynasty, judges were known as the 'Commandant of the Police'.References
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