Raja Ram Mohan Roy as Great Reformer Towards Making of Modern India

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Umeshkumar P. Shahare
Dr. Vakil Taj. Sheikh


Raja Ram Mohan Roy proudly called the “Maker of Modern India”. He was social and educational reformer and a visionary who lived during one of India‟s darkest social phases but tried his best to make his motherland a better place for the future generations. He formed Bramho Samaj, the renaissance movement of the Hindu religion which set the pace for Bengali enlightenment.. He was especially concerned about the practice of “sati” which required a widow to immolate herself at the pyre of her husband. Along with other reformers and visionaries he fought against the evil practices prevalent in the Indian society at his times and struggled to eradicate them. He also left a deep impact in the fields of politics and education. He worked on education, economics, literature, journalism, politics, economics concerns so that all-round development of India and the people of India which now marching towards the making of modern India. 

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How to Cite
Umeshkumar P. Shahare, & Dr. Vakil Taj. Sheikh. (2018). Raja Ram Mohan Roy as Great Reformer Towards Making of Modern India. Research Inspiration, 3(III), 01–06. Retrieved from http://researchinspiration.com/index.php/ri/article/view/85


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