Biochemical Composition In The Muscle Tissue Of Tilapia Mossambica Infected With Metazoan Parasites In Polluted Water Of Estuarine Industrial Area

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M. Devarajan,
N. Ganapathy,
Jothi Narendiran. N


Fish is an excellent source of protein of high biological values. The nutritional value of the diet is measured by the presence of necessary element and catalyst (vitamins and mineral) and auxiliary food. Investigations regarding the protein content of the fish and fish products have been initiated as early as 19th century. The last three decades have seen significant developments in farming of Tilapia mossambica worldwide. They are being farmed in about 85 countries worldwide (FAO, 2008). Metazoan parasites play very important and diverse role in aquaculture operations, that are extremely adverse and may result in complete production loss. Nutritive values of fish meat also greatly reduced.

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How to Cite
M. Devarajan, N. Ganapathy, & Jothi Narendiran. N. (2017). Biochemical Composition In The Muscle Tissue Of Tilapia Mossambica Infected With Metazoan Parasites In Polluted Water Of Estuarine Industrial Area. Research Inspiration, 2(II), 38–44. Retrieved from


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