Impact Of Globalization On Tribal Women In India

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Poornima Shukla


Globalization is free movement of people, services, labour and goods, across national boundaries. The globalization has many aspects sometimes affect tribal communities positively sometimes negatively. The tribal people are affected with the emergence of liberalization, privatization and globalization (LPG) since the New Economic policy enacted in 1991. Tribal women, their livelihood is adversely affected by the process of globalization, their crisis has increased. The ways of life of tribal women are changing by globalization. Globalization has put everything for the sale- forest, land, natural resources all are for market. The tribal women earn their livelihood with making handicrafts, working in cottage industry, collecting woods, and forest products for making food. All these activities are in danger. The status of the tribal women usually depends on the economic roles they play. More than the men, the women walked long distances to fetch wood are fodder. Besides they also collected fruits, roots and tubers, lac, gums leaves for self consumption and sale. The tribal women in India have no role to play in social and political sphere, globalization is making this situation more worsen. This paper tries to discuss the problems and challenges facing tribal women due to process of globalization. The paper is based on secondary data and ethnographic method.

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How to Cite
Poornima Shukla. (2016). Impact Of Globalization On Tribal Women In India. Research Inspiration, 2(I), 07–12. Retrieved from


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