A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level Pre Competition of Delhi State Male And Female Football Players

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Mohit Kumar
Rahul Kaush


The purpose of the study was to compare anxiety status pre competition of Delhi state Level male and female Football players. The anxiety related test was conducted on one hundred twenty Delhi State Level Football players, (60male and 60 female). The subjects were classified into two groups. The classification was based on random basis such as those who had participated in Delhi State Level Football male and female players. Both male and female went through the Anxiety Test. The age of the subjects was ranged between 19 to 25 years. To analyse the scores of both groups Anxiety status‘t’ test was employed. Anxiety test variables showed that almost all the variables or items were indicating significance at 0.05 level other than self confidence. All these findings indicate that there was significant difference among Delhi State Level Football male and female players.It may attribute the fact that subjects were of almost similar level but they differ in their mental state and self confidence level.

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How to Cite
Mohit Kumar, & Rahul Kaush. (2016). A Comparative Study of Anxiety Level Pre Competition of Delhi State Male And Female Football Players. Research Inspiration, 1(III), 42–49. Retrieved from http://researchinspiration.com/index.php/ri/article/view/36


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