Draft New Education Policy 2019: Overview of Changes in Education System



Literacy, New Education Policy, Education Committee and Commission, Innovation


The literal meaning of education is "the act of learning and teaching", but if we look at its wider meaning, then education is a social process going on in any society. Whose purpose is to develop the inner powers of man and refine his behavior. Man is made an able citizen by increasing knowledge and skills through education. Gandhiji has said, “Education is the all-round and best development of body, mind and soul of the child and man.” According to Swami Vivekananda, “Education is the expression of the inherent perfection of man.” In view of these objectives, the 1986 Education Policy What is the shortcoming left in education which required a new education policy to remove it? This paper tries to know the "Draft New Education Policy 2019" as a new dimension for the improvement of education and the important role of innovation "National Education Policy 2019" by the released report of Ministry of Human Resource Development. The need for transparency and accountability was realized in improving the education system. Emerging scientific research on how people learn in universities and colleges is vitally important in the new century. The biggest feature of this policy is that it includes school education, higher education as well as vocational education like agricultural education, legal education, medical education and technical education, and changes are reflected in the collective efforts of various parties, if it is possible.



National Education Policy 2019

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How to Cite

Sharmeen Fatma. (2019). Draft New Education Policy 2019: Overview of Changes in Education System. Research Inspiration, 4(III), 40–46. Retrieved from http://researchinspiration.com/index.php/ri/article/view/162


